Colorado Child Support Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to child support, Colorado has very specific laws in place to ensure that children are provided for financially. But what exactly is a Colorado child support agreement, and how does it work? In this article, we`ll break down everything you need to know about Colorado child support agreements.

What is a Colorado Child Support Agreement?

A Colorado child support agreement is a legal document that outlines the financial responsibilities of both parents towards their child or children. This agreement may be reached through mediation, negotiation, or a court order. The goal of the agreement is to ensure that the child`s needs are met, including their daily expenses, healthcare, education, and other relevant costs.

How is Child Support Calculated in Colorado?

In Colorado, child support is calculated using a formula that takes into account several factors, including:

– The income of both parents

– The number of children involved

– The amount of parenting time each parent has

– Any additional expenses related to the child`s needs

Once these factors are taken into account, the court will determine the total amount of child support that should be paid each month.

What Should be Included in a Colorado Child Support Agreement?

When creating a child support agreement in Colorado, it is important to include the following key details:

– The total amount of child support that will be paid each month

– The payment schedule (e.g. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly)

– The payment method (e.g. direct deposit, check)

– How long the child support payments will continue (typically until the child turns 18, or graduates from high school)

– Any additional expenses that will be covered (e.g. healthcare, education)

– The consequences for failing to comply with the agreement

It is always recommended to work with an experienced family law attorney to ensure that your Colorado child support agreement is legally binding and covers all necessary details.

What Happens if the Agreement is Violated?

If one or both parents fail to comply with the Colorado child support agreement, there can be serious consequences. The delinquent parent may be subject to wage garnishment, tax refund interception, or even criminal charges in extreme cases.


In summary, a Colorado child support agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the financial responsibilities of both parents towards their child or children. By working with an experienced family law attorney, you can ensure that your agreement covers all necessary details and is legally enforceable. Remember, providing financial support for your child is not only a legal obligation but also a moral responsibility. By complying with the agreement, you are ensuring that your child`s needs are met, both now and in the future.